Bettye Ames, Esq.
Board Member
Bettye, a Master Gardener, lends expert advice to outreach activities at community fairs and gardens.
Julia Donkin
With family and friends of Marcia Phifer, Julia started the Foundation to encourage others to grow gardens in any area; thus, increasing the likelihood of maintaining diverse plants.
Steve Donkin, Ph.D.
During the school year, Steve volunteers weekly to assist City Blossoms in maintaining a community garden and in implementing the Mighty Greens program at the Cardozo education Campus in Washington, D.C.
Bettina Hamilton, Ph.D.
Bettina manages the income and expenditures while providing strategic direction to refine and reach our goals.
Mary Kinstle
Board Member
Mary provides a holistic approach to ensuring the Foundation fulfills its mission and helps develop strategies for increasing awareness of the Foundation.
Michael Street, Ph.D.
Board Member
Michael guides the Foundation in keeping instep with changing technology especially in reaching the students who will benefit from the scholarships being offered.